Sunday, November 27, 2011

UWS Technology Licensed in Asia

Image: The official opening of M-Metal Singapore

Image: Fielders CEO, Keith Middleton with Matt Lloyde and the first run of Re-Lok containing RF55 in Singapore.

Image: Patented Re-Lok invention

Through UWS Innovation, the university has granted Fielders Australia and M-Metal Singapore the rights to manufacture and distribute its proprietary Re-lok technology in South East Asia. This landmark agreement is the first time a UWS invention has been successfully commercialised into the region. UWS and the Greater Western Sydney community will benefit from the rapidly growing Asian market and will generate an enhanced reputation as an innovation provider.

Invented at the UWS School of Engineering, Re-lok is designed to increase the strength of steel formwork profiles used in the construction of high-rise buildings. The technology comprises patented corner embossments within the steel formwork profile to ensure a greater shear capacity and results in a stronger mechanical interlock with the concrete slab. Moreover, it possesses dovetail lapping ribs which resist lateral deflection to enhance the profile’s spanning capacity and strength in positive bending and end shear.

Moving into the international market, the product was launched this month at the official opening of M-Metal Singapore. The event attracted over 250 guests and representatives from Singapore’s leading building and construction companies and included leading government officials.

For more information on UWS innovations, please contact us on 02 9685 9742 or at

Monday, November 14, 2011

2011 UWS SIMS Workshop

Image: Attendees at the 2011 UWS SIMS Workshop

The UWS SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) Workshop was hosted at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment on 2 November 2011. The workshop brought together researchers and industry representatives interested in the highly specialised analytical capabilities offered by the UWS SIMS. The UWS Solar Research Facility at Hawkesbury houses the only SIMS instrument of its kind on the east coast of Australia.

Case studies were presented by current users of the instrument and included Prof Raman Singh from Monash University, Dr Jisheng Han from Griffith University and Dr Gerry Triani and Dr Peter Evans from the Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation (ANSTO). All presentations gave the audience insight into practical applications of the instrument and demonstrated its sensitivity in elemental and isotopic surface analysis.

The workshop was well received by all in attendance, with vibrant discussions and networking opportunities. Attendees from Monash, ANU, UNSW, National Measurements Institute, Bluescope Steel, Silanna and Bluglass found the day stimulating and relevant to their research goals. A tour of the SIMS facility was given by the operator Dr David Nelson after the workshop, with many people indicating their desire to utilise the cutting edge equipment’s capabilities.

Used in semiconductor R&D, materials and nuclear sciences as well as environmental applications, the instrument is available to both researchers and industry. For more information, please refer to our website or contact us on 02 9685 9742 or at

Monday, November 7, 2011

National Characterisation Roadshow arrives at UWS

Image: Audience members David Cookson from the Australian Synchrotron and Prof Janice Aldrich Wright from UWS in discussion at the National Characterisation Roadshow held at the Medical School Campbelltown.

The University of Western Sydney hosted the National Characterisation Roadshow 2011 on 27 October 2011 at Campbelltown Campus. Four characterisation facilities explained what they can do to support your research:

• Australian Synchrotron
• National Deuteration Facility
• Australian Microscopy & Microanalysis Research Facility (AMMRF)
• National Imaging Facility

For more details please see the attached copy of the program or visit

Access to UWS Flagship scientific equipment including the Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer can be organised through UWS Innovation at

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Oran Park Development

Image: Corinne Turner from UWS Innovation & Consulting chats with Matthew Beggs, Development Director at Oran Park Town in front of OPT plans.

UWS is partnering with Landcom and Greenfields Development Company to explore the opportunities for health and communications integration in the newly developing Oran Park Town (OPT) in South West Sydney.
Oran Park, previously well known as the ‘Raceway’, is now a growth area providing future housing for a new community of families and the elderly. Oran Park Town will become the cornerstone of education, business, service and entertainment in the south west of Sydney.

For more information, please contact Corinne Turner on 02 9685 9837 or at