Thursday, November 22, 2012

UWS Innovation Sponsors AANSS Symposium

The 10th AINSE-ANBUG Neutron Scattering Symposium was held at ANSTO from the 7th-9th November. This event saw some fantastic presentations on the innovative area of neutron scattering. These researchers at ANSTO are using the neutron scattering technique to characterise the structure and composition of a variety of materials.

UWS Innovation helped to sponsor this event. Here at UWS Innovation we want to encourage innovative research, collaboration with other researchers and promote the University of Western Sydney’s research capabilities.

Two University of Western Sydney representatives, Victoria Hirst (Project Officer, UWS Innovation) and Dr David Nelson (UWS SIMS Operator) attended the Symposium to showcase the UWS Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (SIMS). The UWS Cameca IMS 5fE7 ion microprobe can be used for high resolution depth profiling as well as surface analysis and ion imaging that the University has recently upgraded, and it is now available to both researchers and industry.

The SIMS has many fields of application, including:
  • Semiconductor devices
  • Materials science
  • Geology
  • Energy conversion components
  • Biological materials that can sustain ultra high vacuum

If you have any questions or would like to find out more information about the SIMS or any other instrumentation here at the University of Western Sydney please contact Victoria Hirst on or (02) 9685 9742.

If you have any questions concerning Intellectual Property or Commercialisation please refer to the UWS Innovation website or contact us on