Tuesday, June 25, 2013

UWS Intellectual Property Evaluation Panel

Some of the University of Western Sydney’s most Innovative thinkers presented at this year’s first IP Evaluation Panel, which was held on the 24th May with great success. These talented researchers were able to present their ideas to a well rounded panel of experts in the hopes of securing protection and/or funding for their research. The panel assesses the commercial potential of ground-breaking research coming out of the University, with the aim of assisting to bridge the gap progressing research from “ideas” to “reality”.

We were fortunate to again have the expertise of UWS academics and industry to evaluate our research potential.  The diverse backgrounds of the panelists allowed for comprehensive understanding, analysis and recommendations. We would like to thank our generous panel members of the day Rachel Hooke (FB Rice), Ben Wright (ATP Innovations Pty Ltd), David Bull (BCS International), Prof Athula Ginige (School of Computing Engineering and Mathematics), Assoc Prof Dennis Chang (School of Science and Health), Assoc Prof Terry Sloan (UWS School of Business), Kezia Sullivan (UWS Research Services) Fiona Montebello (UWS Lawyer), Peter Malecki (UWS Commercial Lawyer), Prof Andrew Cheetham (Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)) and Dr Kathryn Sunn (UWSI Chair).

The MARCs Institute for behavioral, neurological and computational research saw a wealth of extremely innovating ideas presented at the IP Panel, the quality of which were exceptional. We are please to say that every project that was presented at this panel not only represented the first-rate research happening at the MARCs Institute but were so excellent they all won the support of the University to commercialise their ideas.

This blog will keep you up to date with progress of the inventions as they continue along the exciting path to commercialisation.

If you are interested in licensing or development opportunities with UWS inventions please refer to our web site: UWS Innovation  or contact us on ip@uws.edu.au.

Our next IP Evaluation Panel will be held on Friday 13th of September 2013.