Wednesday, September 28, 2011

UWS PhD student inventor wins award

Image: Marina Belkina (middle) receiving her award at the CHEMECA 2011 conference

We are proud to announce that PhD student, Marina Belkina has won the David Trimm Award for the best catalysis student paper entitled “Direct low temperature synthesis of carbon nanotubes on Si/SiO2 substrates without using a metal catalyst” at the CHEMECA 2011 conference.

The paper describes a potentially revolutionary new method for the production of carbon nanotubes (CNTSs) at low temperature without metal catalysts. CNTs are one of the most important emerging nanomaterials and this new synthesis method will potentially be able to assist in solving a number of key manufacturing problems.

Marina’s work forms part of a project being conducted under the supervision of Associate Professor Kamali Kannangara and Dr Adriyan Milev. The Carbon Nanotubes project has recently undergone a provisional patent application and we are currently seeking to engage commercial partners to:

- Promote licensing of the patented technology or;
- Engage in collaborative R&D to further develop the technology.

For enquiries, please contact Robert Burnside on 02 9685 9742 or on

Thursday, September 22, 2011

RiB seminar series garners UWS researchers interest

Image: (left to right) Bill Kerr from Enterprise Connect chats with Prof Simeon Simoff from the School of Computing and Mathematics

In conjunction with the UWS College of Health and Science, UWS Innovation & Consulting recently hosted a seminar series promoting the Researchers in Business (RiB) program. Delivered by Bill Kerr from Enterprise Connect, the aim of the seminars was to inform UWS researchers of the opportunities for supporting the take up of applied research and consulting placements in businesses.

The Australian Government has committed $10 million annually within Enterprise Connect to support the placement of researchers from universities or public research agencies, into businesses that wish to develop a new idea with commercial potential. Funding for up to 50 per cent of salary costs, to a maximum of $50,000 will be provided for placements spanning from 2 to 12 months.

Examples of eligible research projects include:
Product innovation – developing and testing new, or improved products or services
Process innovation – addressing production/process issues
Marketing innovation – analysing brand, product or service consumer perceptions and impct in the market
Environmental sustainability – identifying, measuring pollution/waste reduction opportunities
Mathematical science – quantitative analysis/modelling of data to improve product, process or marketing innovation.

The RiB program may be of particular use to researchers and businesses that have applied for an ARC linkage grant and narrowly missed out on selection. UWS I&C welcome interested parties to contact us to explore opportunities on how our researchers may be able to collaborate with you. Please contact us on 9685 9742 or at

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Successful Innovation Workshop 2011

Image: UWS students alongside Hamish Hawthorn (third from right) and Andrew Stead (second from left) of ATP Innovations.

This year UWS again selected some top postgraduate research students to attend the Successful Innovation Workshop conducted by ATP Innovations at the Australian technology Park.

UWS encourages both academics and students to be inventive and entrepreneurial through its IP Policy and regular contact with the Innovation & Consulting arm.

The Successful Innovation Workshop, otherwise known as the commercialisation bootcamp should provide attending students with useful real life skills to consider aspects of their research in a different light.

“In this 2 day workshop you will explore ways to commercialise your research through practical case studies, workshops and networking.

At the end of this program, you will have a greater understanding of what is involved in successful commercialisation. Speakers will help you understand how to prepare yourself, what questions to ask and how to develop wealth from your research”

Academics and students of UWS interested in protecting the IP in their research should contact the Innovation & Consulting team at