Complemed's research into the efficacy, safety and use of complimentary medicine will hopefully present opportunities for commercial success in the complementary medicines industry in Australia. For more information on the important research being conducted at the centre, please visit their website.
CompleMED scientists use functional genomics and proteomics as well as biophysical and phytochemical methods to elucidate the molecular basis of action of Chinese herbal medicines. The Herbal Analysis Laboratory features a range of chromatographic and spectroscopic equipment for the isolation, extraction and identification of herbal constituents, and is an accredited Good Laboratory Practice laboratory through the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration). The Herbal Pharmacology Laboratory is PC2 accredited and designed for biomolecular studies including high throughput bioassays and quantitative real time polymerase chain reactions. The tissue culture facility allows a variety of human and animal cell lines to be cultured, to enable research into biochemical, molecular biological or biophysical experiments under controlled conditions. The facility is notable for being able to undertake patch clamp electrophysiology and digital fluorescence imaging at the same time.
If you have any additional inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the UWS Innovation team.